Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Inner Beauty vs. Outer Beauty

Requirements for Outer Beauty Today:
- spray tan
- long, straight, blonde/dark brown hair
- size zero, Hollister jeans
- a low cut shirt to show off your boobies (or lack there of)
- ditsy personality
- crude language

Requirements for Inner Beauty Today:
- show compassion and niceness towards everyone
- open your mind to different ideas

    Today in class we were talking about physical beauty and how women are different now than they were in the Victorian times.  To be honest, I really hated that powerpoint activity, but it actually got me thinking.  I started thinking about what we, as Americans, view as beautiful and what little girls model themselves after.  Is it bad that my mind immediately thought of Jersey Shore?  I mean, any one of those women can fit those stereotypes stated above in the outer beauty column. 
    It makes me sad how much we value looks over morals now.  Most of the celebrities that the little or pre-teen girls pay attention to are terrible rolemodels (and kind of terrible people).  I mean look at Miley Cyrus, Paris Hilton, and for god's sake look at Snooki!  These are some of the most popular women in our country and all of them aren't worth looking at twice.
    My challenge is for anyone who reads this, granted not many people will, is to look at and think about yourself...are you materialistic and petty, or are you willing to open your mind to others and be a friend to your peers.  I know I've made my choice, what's yours?


  1. You know its kinda sad on how people are viewed today.... these girls do as much as they can to look good because thats what accepted of them these days.... i dont get it... our society is pushing us too hard to look good........

  2. I agree with both of you. The way that media potrays how women are supposed look really impact the way women make themselves look. I also agree with you colin that soceity is trying to make everyone look good and/or almost perfect.

  3. You are awesome. :)

    As I read the beauty requirements, I felt a little uneasy--nothing against people who are tan or have long hair or are a size 0, btw, I think they're beautiful too, I just can't look at that list without thinking of all the hurt it's caused.

    On the other hand (and this is just me ranting), one thing that irks me is when someone claims people suck, are shallow, petty, mean, etc. Because, you know what? All that statement does is set a predjudice. (Although, considering I think this thanks to my own self-realization, it may be different for others.)

    Example: You and I don't know each other, although we're in the same class. One can look at the other, see one action, hear one sentence, and form an opinion, good or bad. Perhaps I do something that, without context, makes me look mean. So you think I'm mean. But, you don't know me. I draw. I cook. I donate. I help the homeless, want to join the Peaces Corps. I love making people happy.

    But some people seem to forgo the chance of finding the goodness in others. That takes work, afterall. ;)

    Anyway, don't mind the rant. This was a good post, with lots of things to think about. And I'm definitely thinking. Also, "granted not many people will", I encourage you and others to look at and join the cause. Or just jump on and smile. :)


  4. This post is really making my think, and look at myself and my actions. We live in a cruel world, where everyone makes prejudices and where our role models are ending up in rehab. I agree with you guys that our society tells us something is wrong with us or we're ugly if we aren't size zero or dont have perfect hair, and that is causing unrealistic expectations and major problems with young girls.
